Friday, August 12, 2005

Driving Towards the Horizon

Wendy and I are off to Toronto tomorrow to start the tour. Our first reading is Sunday – see the Shows page for more info. I’ll try to write a bit about each of the shows.

The first Canadian Radical Love workshop was last night. Inspiring. In the past year or two, maybe, I’ve thought less about why I want to be in an open relationship and more about how the hell we’re actually supposed to accomplish it. Both are important.

Polyamory is something I aspire to, and something that seems logistically necessary. It’s not something “natural” for me. I was never prone to cheating, never felt tied down when I was in a monogamous relationship. If I were okay with giving up either girls or boys for the rest of my life, I’d probably be perfectly happy with one person. But I don’t want to give up girls or boys, so there you go.

It was nice to pull away from the tiring nuts-and-bolts of it for a couple of hours and get swept up in the lovely politics of open relationships. Where everyone is free to do whatever they want.

The poly ideal, for me, is that I can get to a place where I don’t feel the constriction of jealousy around my chest. Seems the only way to face that is head on and just get some practice.

And remember that pain is good. Better to be feeling something than nothing.


Anonymous said...

you're cute...

your bean

Amanda Earl said...

Jealousy doesn't disappear, but it's helpful if you recognize that it's just a natural thing. You can learn to do something very difficult: admit that you're jealous and then talk to your lover(s) about it. It's not easy,but I've found that once I admit it to myself and then discuss it with my partner, it actually goes away.