Not Just Hemlines, Pt. 2
It has been suggested to me that while it is all well and good to describe what one's breasts look like in different kinds of bras, it is really rather more edifying to show what one's breasts look like in different kinds of bras. So I imposed upon poor long-suffering Eric and he took a few photos of my breasts in various degrees of harness. Who needs surgery when one has underwire and boning at one's disposal?
So when next you see a woman walking down the street and think, "Wow, what lovely breasts," because I'm sure that's how you're phrasing it in your very polite minds, keep the photo montage below in mind. Perhaps you should rephrase your thought, and think instead, "What a well constructed undergarment."
If you view a Hollywood movie from the 1970s, you'll see the first picture. If you take in a Hollywood movie from the 1950s, you'll see the last picture. From the last 5 years? The 4th picture. Even if the woman in question is naked. That is what tape is for.
I'm sure one of you out there must have some theory or other about bra shape and the economy. It's not just hemlines, after all.

Edited August 13.
God bless the internet
It is great to have...snicker... boning at your disposal, isn't it?
And in bizarre, related news ... announcing a surgically impkantred, "internal" bra:
I like braless best for you.
braless works best. go with it.
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